The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and
stupidity. ~Harlan Ellison

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Working Out

So, I stopped working out about a year and a half ago. I weigh less but I wear a bigger size..if that makes any sense. Anyhoo, I finally get the energy to go work out yesterday when I saw a workout show on Fit TV. It was belly dancing, so I thought to myself, "No one is here, I can try it out to see if I like it."

OMG I am so bad at dancing!! LOL

So, seeing as the dancing was a failure I decided to go outside to run. There is this big brush pile next to the track that me and J use, and as I was passing by it I thought to myself " I should really watch out for snakes coming out of there" As I looked down to watch out for snakes I seethe head of one of the biggest snakes I have ever seen (in the wild) RIGHT BY my foot. I surprisingly didn't squeal and run away. But I did go inside. That ended my workout for yesterday. With the belly dancing and the running I got maybe 25 mins. in. Maybe today I can get out there with J...and make him run ahead of me LOL

Monday, August 25, 2008

So, first day of school...

has been good so far. I have a lot of down time today between classes. I should be starting my online classes now but I'm not gonna. Instead I'm talking to you..or no one..hence the name of my blog. :mumbles:

My schedule is as follows:


Really hard but I REALLY wanna do well in this class. This is my second attempt, so I'm hoping the info. I remember will help me with that. At least I hope I remember anything. hehehe
I am putting the bad experience I had the last time I took this class behind me. I have been through so much bad stuff this summer I am tired of always being stressed and thinking the worst of people and life. This class was the best example of me doing that. Last time I stressed myself , then blamed the teachers for being asses (which they kinda were) but I know that it was ultimately my choice to fail. SO, here's to new beginnings and a better outlook!

Medical Terminology

Yeah, the other class I failed. HAHA The worst thing about this is it was totally MY FAULT. haha Yes..I admitted something is my fault...don't faint. I even thought I passed this class and just so happened to look at my grades for last fall while I was registering. I was like "WTF I failed THAT class?!? Once again new time in my life, new attitude....I definitely want to good and pass this. :)

These other classes I am taking to fill out my schedule hours so my loans don't come out of deferment.

Film Appreciation

I look forward to this! Apparently the professor has been in movies and TV. I think his IMDB said he was in a few episodes of Walker: Texas Ranger. LOL I remember watching that with my Granny. She had a thing for Chuck Norris...yeah...I don't know either...



No really, it's a philosophy class. I had a look at the syllabus and notes and I think I have my work cut out for me BUT I know I iz smart.

So, now I have to figure out how to pay for my books. I would say books are the worst part of a new semester. They are instruments of torture that you are forced to pay for and use on yourself. hehehe Not really, but the prices of books are ridiculous.

Oh, well such is life.

That's all I got right now. I still have to go to my A&P Lab so if anything interesting happens I will prolly not write it here. Because I all ways forget to blog. I'm gonna try to be better tho.:)

Love all you guys!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Crappy Crappy Crappy Summer So Far....

I havn't bloged in while. Why?

Well, lets start at the beginning:

My Pa died in May, a week after that me and my mother had to go put Papa in a nursing home, a week after I got back home from that my Granny died. She passed a way one day before the months aniversayry of my my Pa's death. We had her funeral on the the month aniversary of my Pa's funeral, and no they werent even married to each other. A couple of weeks after that my mom is hospitalized for ulcers (go figure), and to top it all off both she and my brothers and sister are moving in the next month or so. They arent moving together..Im talking separate moves...yeah.

Crappy summer indeed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama is Growing on Me...

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years, and nothings replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate, and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Most people who follow the news have heard all the mweh mweh mweh about the comment Obama made. The people he was talking about are all offended, the people who control the thoughts of the people he is talking about are acting offended, and Clinton supporters are relishing in the anti Obama sentiment that came from the comment.

Get the fuck over it "working class"...IT'S TRUE.

I voted for Clinton in the primaries so, I'm not saying this as a Obama fan girl. The Conservative media DOES control the ideas in the (moslty conservative) working class. Shut the fuck up and stop acting offended. Even in the Liberal side media controls what people think about, talk about and act on. It just so happens that the segment of society that that Obama was talking about is conservative. Of course the Limbaugh/Coulter idiots are gonna jump on this and make Obama out to be elitist and out of touch.

Look at what has happened in the last 8 years people!!! Most of us "working class" types are worse off. So why does the news media harp on immigration issues, gun issues, and Paris Hilton? It's because the people that own the news channels are owned by corporations, and those corporations are same types that feed off of the ignorance and un happiess of all of us.

You think CNN wants you to be happy? NO They want you to buy the medicines the advertise. You think Rush Limbaugh wants you to be happy? Fuck no, he wants you to be full of hate, just like him. or else why would anyone watch that disgusting excuse of a human being, right?

These people control the conversation that is going on in our society. These people have their own agendas, that unfortunately DO NOT included peace and happiness for any of us. So, all of you who act offended from this comment , get over it. It's like if I told my best friend she talk s too loud, and she gets made at me for pointing out a flaw, even though she knows it's true. Honesty is what we need in the country now, not more pandering to some dumb fuck idea of how noble the working man is.

Obama's detractors say that the comment was condescending, I say the comment is one of the first times I have noticed a politician treat the American people like adults who can handle constructive criticism. Being treated like someone with a brain?!? HOW DARE YOU BARACK OBAMA!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

le sigh.

My phone died so I can't call J. to pick me up from school.

I am hungry like a mug. Whatever 'like a mug" means...hehe

Instances like this make me wish I had J's number memorized. As soon as I get my phone charged up tho, I wont care about memorizing anything anymore.


It dont because I am a hard headed bitch.

Thats' why.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Dying Tickles.

Charlton Heston Died
Does this mean I can pry his gun from his hands now? ~Adagio from VFF

Admittedly I never cared much for Charlton Heston. He was a douche as far as I saw him on interviews and the whole being a crazy NRA spokesperson didn't help his image as far as I'm concerned. So, when I read he died...I didn't really care. Is that bad?

We hear that people die all the time. Earthquakes, fires, war, most Americans don't give a damn when they hear that type of news. but OMG IF A STAR DIES *gasp* *grab chest* WE'VE LOST A GREAT PERSON OF THE WORLD. Why is it people can be a total jerk off when you are alive but as soon as you die you become "great".

Call a spade, a spade damn it!

Did you know that around 100,000 innocent Iraqis have been killed in the war? What makes this guy more important than all of them?

What about all of the people who have died from gun violence in the US just last year?

What about all the soldiers ,American and otherwise, that have died in Iraq?

OR the the people who lost their homes, and/or lives to Hurricane Katrina?

Honestly...need I go on?

Charlton Heston died today. Yeah it's sad that someone died..but seriously...big freakin' whoop.

that is all

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Had Forted.

What up with all the stories about autism lately? You would think that it's a pandemic all of a sudden. I don't know much about it, but makes you wonder. Of course the answer to this is probably just that the big news outlets (mainly CNN) have found another hot topic and are just pounding into our heads. They want to scare us in taking the medicines that they have on their commercials.

Seriously...pharmaceutical commercials is all they show on CNN...that and Bank/Investing commercials. We are supposed invest in our money in the banks...spend the money we make on the investments on medicines we don't need...then worry about our kids possible..maybe autism.
If you think about it maybe all the fucked up shit we put into our bodies constantly is whats CAUSING autism?? I seem to remember a story about how our drinking water is filled with sec...ah here it is...Drugs Are in the Water. Does It Matter?

So, there you have it! I single handely found the cause of autism...CNN

It started with the Big Pharma commercial inundation, people see the commercials and are all like:

"HEY! YEAH! my legs sometimes feel like stuff." Mirapex for you my friend.
"YEAH, I my penis is flaccid and grey!" Here is some Viagra...go get'er Tiger!
"YEAH, I'm sad that my my husbands penis is flaccid and grey." Aw some Zoloft

All these people take all these pills...pee the leftovers of them out and they end up in our drinking water..eww...somwhow. Lil' kids drink the water, pregnant women drink the water. BAM you got autism.

I know, I know...I have no proof. I have done no research, I am no scientist. I just wanna make the point that we keep coming up with all these problems with ourselves, we medicate, we make more problems. Here is my plan for all of us to feel better:

STOP eating so much crap.
STOP eating animals.
Eat a vegetable...french fries don't count, neither does ketchup.
Hug your wife because showing a little affection might make her want to suck her husbands cock.
That way You get off, she gets a hug. Neither of y'all will need pills and the kids that result from all the hotseks wont have autism.

You are welcome America.

Monday, March 31, 2008

I can has blog?

Yes...yes I can.

As a matter of fact I do have a blog.

This is the first entry in it.


So, I had a animal rights themed blog and i never wrote in it? Not because I have nothing to say on the subject. I'm vegan...Vegans always got stuff to say. I just don't want to put my self in a box of only AR stuff/topics/thingies.

This is my attempt at writing a blog about my life. Like most blogs no on will read this, so nothing I say matters...but it makes me feel more important to post things on the internet. So, first post. Huzzah!