The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and
stupidity. ~Harlan Ellison

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Working Out

So, I stopped working out about a year and a half ago. I weigh less but I wear a bigger size..if that makes any sense. Anyhoo, I finally get the energy to go work out yesterday when I saw a workout show on Fit TV. It was belly dancing, so I thought to myself, "No one is here, I can try it out to see if I like it."

OMG I am so bad at dancing!! LOL

So, seeing as the dancing was a failure I decided to go outside to run. There is this big brush pile next to the track that me and J use, and as I was passing by it I thought to myself " I should really watch out for snakes coming out of there" As I looked down to watch out for snakes I seethe head of one of the biggest snakes I have ever seen (in the wild) RIGHT BY my foot. I surprisingly didn't squeal and run away. But I did go inside. That ended my workout for yesterday. With the belly dancing and the running I got maybe 25 mins. in. Maybe today I can get out there with J...and make him run ahead of me LOL

Monday, August 25, 2008

So, first day of school...

has been good so far. I have a lot of down time today between classes. I should be starting my online classes now but I'm not gonna. Instead I'm talking to you..or no one..hence the name of my blog. :mumbles:

My schedule is as follows:


Really hard but I REALLY wanna do well in this class. This is my second attempt, so I'm hoping the info. I remember will help me with that. At least I hope I remember anything. hehehe
I am putting the bad experience I had the last time I took this class behind me. I have been through so much bad stuff this summer I am tired of always being stressed and thinking the worst of people and life. This class was the best example of me doing that. Last time I stressed myself , then blamed the teachers for being asses (which they kinda were) but I know that it was ultimately my choice to fail. SO, here's to new beginnings and a better outlook!

Medical Terminology

Yeah, the other class I failed. HAHA The worst thing about this is it was totally MY FAULT. haha Yes..I admitted something is my fault...don't faint. I even thought I passed this class and just so happened to look at my grades for last fall while I was registering. I was like "WTF I failed THAT class?!? Once again new time in my life, new attitude....I definitely want to good and pass this. :)

These other classes I am taking to fill out my schedule hours so my loans don't come out of deferment.

Film Appreciation

I look forward to this! Apparently the professor has been in movies and TV. I think his IMDB said he was in a few episodes of Walker: Texas Ranger. LOL I remember watching that with my Granny. She had a thing for Chuck Norris...yeah...I don't know either...



No really, it's a philosophy class. I had a look at the syllabus and notes and I think I have my work cut out for me BUT I know I iz smart.

So, now I have to figure out how to pay for my books. I would say books are the worst part of a new semester. They are instruments of torture that you are forced to pay for and use on yourself. hehehe Not really, but the prices of books are ridiculous.

Oh, well such is life.

That's all I got right now. I still have to go to my A&P Lab so if anything interesting happens I will prolly not write it here. Because I all ways forget to blog. I'm gonna try to be better tho.:)

Love all you guys!
