The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and
stupidity. ~Harlan Ellison

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama is Growing on Me...

"You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years, and nothings replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate, and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Most people who follow the news have heard all the mweh mweh mweh about the comment Obama made. The people he was talking about are all offended, the people who control the thoughts of the people he is talking about are acting offended, and Clinton supporters are relishing in the anti Obama sentiment that came from the comment.

Get the fuck over it "working class"...IT'S TRUE.

I voted for Clinton in the primaries so, I'm not saying this as a Obama fan girl. The Conservative media DOES control the ideas in the (moslty conservative) working class. Shut the fuck up and stop acting offended. Even in the Liberal side media controls what people think about, talk about and act on. It just so happens that the segment of society that that Obama was talking about is conservative. Of course the Limbaugh/Coulter idiots are gonna jump on this and make Obama out to be elitist and out of touch.

Look at what has happened in the last 8 years people!!! Most of us "working class" types are worse off. So why does the news media harp on immigration issues, gun issues, and Paris Hilton? It's because the people that own the news channels are owned by corporations, and those corporations are same types that feed off of the ignorance and un happiess of all of us.

You think CNN wants you to be happy? NO They want you to buy the medicines the advertise. You think Rush Limbaugh wants you to be happy? Fuck no, he wants you to be full of hate, just like him. or else why would anyone watch that disgusting excuse of a human being, right?

These people control the conversation that is going on in our society. These people have their own agendas, that unfortunately DO NOT included peace and happiness for any of us. So, all of you who act offended from this comment , get over it. It's like if I told my best friend she talk s too loud, and she gets made at me for pointing out a flaw, even though she knows it's true. Honesty is what we need in the country now, not more pandering to some dumb fuck idea of how noble the working man is.

Obama's detractors say that the comment was condescending, I say the comment is one of the first times I have noticed a politician treat the American people like adults who can handle constructive criticism. Being treated like someone with a brain?!? HOW DARE YOU BARACK OBAMA!


Tasha said...

Hmmmmm....I wonder if you wrote this after I disagreed with you about Obama??? lol Oh well. I still think he's as crooked as the rest of them. And I've yet to hear WHAT and HOW he's going to implement this change he keeps talking about. Let's face though, Clinton's not much better. John McCain scares me me with his friggin temper and he's he's out anyway. LOL Hey, I have an idea!!! Let's send in write in votes for Bozo the Clown! I bet he'd be better than any of them!

Tasha said...

Wait, I take that back...we can't vote for Bozo...he can't run for a 3rd term!

Um...what...? ::confused:: said...

hehe! Nope I wrote this a few days b4 our talk. :)