The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and
stupidity. ~Harlan Ellison

Saturday, February 28, 2009

No taxation with out representation?? STFU

I have noticed that in the past few days some of those against the stimulus package have been trying to equate government spending as taxation with out representation.

Well sorry to break it to you guys but...uh...yall seriously need to learn to be better losers. I mean come on! You guys lost the election! For all the ZOMG OBAMA IS THE ANTICHRIST bullshit rhetoric you fuckin lost so STFU.

Obama has been in office for 28 days! He has started working on solving the problems that the last president left for him and I am certain will be cleaning up the mess for the better part of his first term. Give the man a chance to do some good before you all pass judgement.

But the fact is that Obama is your president. The congress and the senate that voted for the stimulus are both an elected body of officials, whether you voted for them or not. That is how a Democracy works.

Oh and read this: Sportsmanship

that is all.

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